RESIDENTS are being given the opportunity to have their say on how their local area is used.

Councillors at Fareham Borough Council, on Thursday, approved the Publication Local Plan put forward by officers.

Every Council is required to have a Local Plan, which is used to allocate space for housing, employment opportunities, transport infrastructure and leisure and community facilities.

Now a six-week public consultation is due to take place to give residents the opportunity to decide if the council have met requirements.

Cllr Keith Evans, Executive Member for Planning and Development, said: "I hope residents will take the opportunity of having their say on the Publication Plan.

"It is really important to remember that this isn’t just about new homes, it is also used to plan for jobs and employment space, sports and leisure facilities, transport and community infrastructure, the protection of sensitive habitats and the impact of climate change."

The consultation will start on November 6 and because of government restrictions, it will be held virtually rather than through the usual public meetings.

A special edition of Fareham Today will be hand-delivered to every household across the Borough over the next week.

This will set out how people can have their say from the safety of their own homes and also guidelines on how to respond as, at this stage.

This consultation is the final stage before the Plan is submitted to a Government Planning Inspector for independent examination.

This will be live on the Council’s website until Friday 18 December.