AN APPLICATION to build 92 new houses in Botley is due to be discussed next week.

The application by Bloor Homes was first submitted in March last year and is planned for the land South of Maddoxford Lane and west of Westfield, Boorley Green.

The developer wants to build the houses which will be a mix of 2 storey, semi detached, terraced, maisonette and flatted homes.

Vehicle access would be available from Maddoxford Lane to the homes which would be 35 per cent affordable.

The proposal which is due to be discussed by the Hedge End, West End and Botley Local Area Committee on Monday is recommended for refusal.

A statement on the proposal from the council reads: "The application is recommended for refusal on the grounds of it being development in the countryside for which there is no over-riding need given the Council’s Housing Land Supply position.

"The proposal would result in a visually intrusive development that would have an urbanising impact and result in a poor quality development due to the inappropriate layout, failure to achieve good quality architectural design across the site; and insufficient natural surveillance, landscaping, separation distances, garden sizes and private amenity spaces, car and cycle parking."

The proposal has also seen objections from residents nearby to the proposed building site with concerns being raised in relation to the overdevelopment of the area.

One resident said: "The Planning Application will increase the size of an already overdeveloped Boorley Green, and cause further stress on the already busy country roads in the area.

"This development will only add to the constant traffic noise and air pollution.

"It is a designated Greenfield site and a local gap which the council said they would not build on."

The developer Bloor Homes say however that the proposed area for the homes is suitable.

The developer said: "The site is not within an area where the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) indicates development should be restricted and it is not excluded from the presumption in favour of sustainable development."