After so long a period without good news, the last week has been particularly welcome.

First we have the good news regarding the outcome of the US election, then the news of a Covid vaccination.

And today (Tuesday November 10th) I see in the Daily Echo that the Coca-Cola truck will this year not be trawling British cities, supposedly spreading Christmas cheer but, in reality, using vast amounts of energy, polluting the environment and distributing a product damaging to children's heath.

However did we get to a situation in which this was considered acceptable?

If the truck was distributing cigarettes, it would not be permitted so why is it any different for a product that damages children's teeth and contributes to obesity and its lifelong problems, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease?

Perhaps it is time we dispensed with the image of a Santa Claus dressed in red which has been used to advertise Coca-Cola since the 1930s (although probably originating in the 1822 poem, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas').

I would like to see a return to the green of the original Father Christmas, an interesting and mysterious character, in recognition of English culture and tradition.

Lindsi Bluemel
