THE HEADLINES seem to ask the question, where does our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, go from here now that' Brexit is Done', and he has taken back control?

He has yet to master control over the Conservative Party. Get married again.

He can no longer take useless advice from Donald Trump.

He has lost the UK any real co-operation with the EU.

We are not going to get other useful trade deals elsewhere around the world.

We have one of the worse debts on the planet.

And, we have one of the highest death rates.

Whilst he claims this is a wonder opportunity for the UK for take up the challenge of being a self governing, world leader.

But he never tells us, how.

He also expects, every one of us, to fall in line, as servants within his kingdom.

He has a bunch of worthless Members of Parliament, taking huge salaries and achieving nothing.

Do remember, he was a denier of the coronavirus.

I predict the Conservative Party will replace him with another leader, and hope that person will be their Prime Minster.

I strongly suspect we the public will say, 'no way'.

We will face a General Election and that will include an option to rejoin the European Union.

The remainers will be then be known as the rejoiners.

Boris and his girlfriend and young son, will disappear.

Possibly, Russia.

Richard Grant
