A Hampshire charity supporting people with autism has organised a raffle to raise money for a mini-bus for their service users.

Autism Hampshire said the bus is needed as using public transport with service-users is becoming more difficult due to social distancing.

A post on the charity's website stated: "Living with the changes and challenges of the current pandemic has been difficult for many people and even more so for the people we support.

"[They] have endured long periods without contact from their families due to lockdown and many of their usual activities outside of the home [have had] to stop."

Residents at the charity’s Southampton-based supported accommodation Bassett House will use the van to access community events.

A link to donate to the raffle can be found here.

After a donation is made, receipts should be forwarded to roisin.smith@autismhampshire.org.uk to receive a ticket number.

Tickets are £2.00 each and can be bought up to December 4.

Over 50 prizes are up for grabs including a £50 Cake Voucher, a family ticket Solent Sky Museum and a hand-painted cocktail glass.

Prizes will be available to collect from a location in Southampton.