Something has gone wrong with democracy throughout the world. This is noticeable worldwide within countries such as Thailand, America, Belarus and the United Kingdom. The country of Thailand is in turmoil and is now ruled from Germany by what appears to be a dictator from Thailand.

America is still under the control of a nut-case despite the president Mr Trump losing the election who so far has refused to concede. In Belarus, there is a battle to dispense with the leader of that nation by a democratic process which is still led by a dictator with Russian political background and support.

In the UK there is now no seriousness about its political administration as it is now being led by a clone of Mr Trump and his brigade of undesirables. All in all these leaders have thrown the democratic principles and procedures through the window and operate their nation's politics on the lines of a dictatorship. The indicators all point to the fact that democracy has gone to pot, and the battle to return to its principles is on.

G.A. Marques

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