Potential rebel Tory MPs should think twice before opposing the latest coronavirus measures.

Yes these MPs have a duty to their constituents.

However, these MPs also have a duty to their leader, Boris Johnson, who has worked tirelessly to get our country back on it’s feet, stand up to the virus, look after the vulnerable, save jobs, and protect the economy.

If Theresa May had been leader of the Conservatives, having capitulated to her friends at the EU and flew the white flag of surrender in Brussels, then Jeremy Corbyn would have been Prime Minister, anti Semitic behaviour would be at the heart of government and Irish nationalism would be ripe.

Instead we live under a Prime Minister who is getting Brexit done and who saved many of his MPs their careers.

Think again I say and trust in a blessed Prime Minister before the public turn upon you not for what you have done but rather what you failed to do which was put your faith in Boris.

May the Lord richly bless Boris Johnson.

Geoffrey Brooking
