A DRUG dealer who fatally stabbed a man to get hold of his drugs has today been found guilty of murder.

Olamide Soyege, from Dagenham, Essex, was found guilty of murdering Taylor Williams at an address in Basingstoke on Saturday 31 August 2019.

Jurors at Winchester Crown Court also found Terence Maccabee, from Southwark, London, guilty of manslaughter and having a knife in a public place.

Olamide Soyege, Terence Williams and Paige Taylor were also found guilty today of robbery, and conspiracy to commit robbery.

Soyege, aged 29, and Maccabee, aged 19, along with Paige Taylor, aged 24, conspired together to rob Taylor Williams of drugs on the evening in question, but a fight ensued and Taylor Williams was fatally stabbed.

Daily Echo: Taylor Williams Taylor Williams

The prosecution was able to show that Olamide Soyege, Terence Maccabee and Paige Taylor were dealing drugs as part of a county lines operation.

Kate Anderson, CPS Wessex Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor, said: “We worked with Hampshire Constabulary to ensure we had all the evidence we needed to secure a conviction in this case, including mobile phone and forensic evidence. “We believe the tragic death of Taylor Williams was as a result of a dispute over drug dealing in the Basingstoke area.

Daily Echo: Paige Taylor (Facebook) Paige Taylor (Facebook)

Daily Echo: The scene The scene

“I would like to thank the prosecution team involved with bringing these offenders to justice today, and make it clear to the local Basingstoke community that we are dedicated to prosecuting county line drug dealers for their crimes.”The Crown Prosecution Service is committed to tackling County Lines, supporting the Government’s 2019 initiative to disrupt this disturbing crime that often exploits children and young people.

  • If you, or someone you know, has been affected by county lines drug networks, please contact your local police or for advice on drugs, talk to Frank.