A SOUTHAMPTON expert has shared his top running tips as gyms close and people look for other ways to exercise.

Simon Boreham, Store Manager at Runners Need is urging runners to take extra precautions and make sure they are doing all they can to be easily seen when it comes to exercising outdoors.

With lockdown restrictions in place, Runners Need has seen an unprecedented demand for running kit online and expects this month to be one of the most active yet as people embrace New Year’s resolutions to focus on their health.

It is estimated that 68% of people haven’t sought guidance or support when taking up running and with a severe cold snap expected, many Southampton runners are said to be putting themselves at risk of injury by not being easily seen on roads.

Runners Need has now launched its #WeFeelSeen campaign to share its expertise in staying safe, reducing injury and choosing the right kit as more and more people take up running.

Store Manager, Simon, said: “It is great to see so many Southampton runners getting outdoors and moving. There are so many benefits to be had.

"Not only can running improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, which is much needed after this year, but doing so in challenging winter conditions can also help boost performance and make you stronger.

“However with new runners not getting the advice they need, it’s a ticking time bomb for injuries."

Runners Need has now published their "Top Winter Running Tips" to help avoid injuries through running:

1. Don’t underestimate the power of warming up and cooling down

2. Know your route

3. Think about laps

4. Understand the weather

5. Get the right kit

6. Tread carefully

7. Stay hydrated

8. Regulate your breathing

9. Switch up your training

10. Get a running buddy

Simon added: "It is so important you take care when out running during the winter months."