SOUTHAMPTON is the second noisiest city in the UK, a new study has revealed.

More than a quarter of a million noise complaints were made to UK councils last year.

That’s according to new Freedom of Information data obtained by, which looked at how many noise complaints were made to councils of the top 100 populated cities in the UK.

The data has revealed that Southampton is the second noisiest city with 5,147 noise complaints made over the course of 12 months.

A total of 476 complaints were made per 10,000 households in the city.

London takes the top spot for the city with the most noise complaints per 10,000 households at 515..

Southampton was followed by Bath, Portsmouth, Cambridge, Manchester, Oxford, Stockport, Luton and Brighton.

Further research finds loud music (50%), parties (43%) and barking dogs (24%) are the main sources of complaints across the UK.