AT A time when there is so much bad news to deal with, here are two facts to boost the spirits as we look to move on from Covid 19.

Southampton City Council will be spending about £300 million this year keeping the city going and 43% of that will go to local businesses.

And post-Covid, the plan is for the council to spend more locally, setting up contracts which ensure fair wages, require proper working agreements and make apprenticeships and training part of every deal.

But it won’t end there.

The council has already received enthusiasm for this idea from some major employers in the city interested in adopting similar principles.

SCC has formally adopted its Economic and Green Growth Strategy which looks to a future where new jobs will be created as industries change.

This will help Southampton City Council and other employers to “build back local” with significant investment and spending in the local area.

A significant boost to the city's post-Covid prospects.

Cllr Gordon Cooper

Labour Member for Portswood Ward

Chair Labour Group