A CONVOY of vehicles took to the streets of Southampton over the weekend as part of a political protest.

Driving in procession cars and bikes wove through the city’s streets in a vibrant display with flags waving, whistles blowing and blaring horns.

The “Covid-Compliant Cavalcade” was part of efforts to “Drive the Tories Out” and to “Kill the Bill”.

It followed on from a demonstration in Southampton Guildhall Square against the controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

Proposed changes in legislation by the Government have been slammed as an assault on freedom of speech.

Activists adorned their cars with banners with slogans, such as “KillTheBill” and “People B4 Profit”.

The event which kicked off at around 2pm was organised by the anti-austerity campaign group, Southampton People’s Assembly (SPA).

The protest aimed to promote “fairer and kinder politics”.

Campaigners met in Empress Road with the convoy of around 20 vehicles making loops around the city during the afternoon.

Speaking to a Daily Echo reporter on the day, Chair of the SPA, Joke Dukes said, “We are doing this to protest against the Government’s current policies and trajectories and we think that there needs to be better protections, better job security. We are protesting against the failures of the covid pandemic where they locked down far, far too late. They are restricting our rights of protest. There are loads of people here today in Southampton following up from yesterday’s demonstration. We plan to have a really fun, noisy, colourful and vibrant demonstration.”

The event formed part of a national day of action, organised by The People’s Assembly.