YOUNG people from across the south have turned their hand to creating films in an effort to urge their peers to continue keeping themselves and their communities safe from the spread of Covid-19.

As the further easing of restrictions are eased, the films are being released on social media to encourage young people to keep following the guidance, particularly over the Easter break.

Organisations including LifeLab and Southampton Children’s Hospital at University Hospital Southampton, were awarded funding for the film projects through the Southampton City Council COVID-19 Innovations Grant.

They then worked with young people in schools, colleges and youth groups to produce short films with the help of professional production companies.

LifeLab, a University of Southampton education programme for young people discovering the science behind health messages, teamed up young people with filmmakers.

Together they co-created a range of films with messaging around the importance of sticking to the guidance and reflecting on life in lockdown in a range of different styles.

Young actors from Richard Taunton Sixth Form College and Itchen College participated in the films that were produced by Robin Creative Media with the help of students from Toynbee School in Eastleigh.

Separately students at Cantell School in Southampton created a video with clips submitted by students to demonstrate how young people were making a difference with support from Southpoint Films.

Ipsa Dash, a youth ambassador, said: “During these unprecedented times, it felt like nothing was in our control what with the never ending uncertainty but I believe this project made me realise we really could make a difference. I am really pleased with the outcome.”