THERE are two departments in the NHS that need a total reassessment and I am sure many would agree is podiatry and physiotherapy.

The important of these departments is paramount to mobility and independence.

A person's loss of independent mobility has the potential to cost the NHS billions.

From what I gather when referred to podiatry and biomechanics you are given three months if you manage and if you do not go back whether or not independence has been resolved you are dismissed and have to go back to the doctors for re-referal.

I have problems that have not been resolved but due to pressure on the NHS, and the centre I use was taken over as a Covid hospital, I have managed with using my own initiative but I know eventually my mobility will take my independence.

As many will be witness "to rest is to rust", which often is the case when mobility is reduced.

When in elderly care some of our patients came in with immobility due to nails grown so long they have grown up through the front of the foot when corrected fully mobile again.

Can you imagine the cost of hospitalisation but if podiatry departments offered foot care it would save thousands.

As we get older foot care for some is very difficult and a seven weekly appointment can pick up on all sorts of problems and guess what, if you are diabetic you get given a nail cutter and file to manage your own and trust me you can pay privately but many on pensions can not afford foot care or low income families.

I do not blame ground floor staff they are under pressure and guided by CEO's who have no input into the problems faced by the wide community.

Let's now discuss physios.

Once again in the hands of their CEO's.

A very poor service especially the stroke survivors.

This involves loss of mobility, speech,and the ability to eat not to mention loss of sight in the effected side.

I would also inform you it does not effect only senior citizens evidence exists of the young from 20 upwards are effected, some survivors have young families.

Depending on the area you live in physio, speech therapy, is a one off event.

There are some areas where the health authorities realise the importance of specialised therapists and they stay with the survivor after discharge until closure and best improvement is reached. Mental health and family breakdown is another massive problem for many families when devastation hits this is a specialised area that if introduced into our health system great results can be witnessed.

I believe a complete review in many areas of provision of the services the NHS provide.

We pay the wages and deserve to be treated with respect and hope whatever our health problems.

Christine Cassell
