REGARDING the parking of hospital staff cars, I would like to point out that although living with Dunkirk Road behind our houses, I never agreed to stop parking there.

The staff use the sports centre car park and the overflow parked here.

They have a long walk across Hollybrook cemetery to get to work anyway.

To place two hour waiting signs along the Dunkirk Road was unnecessary and a cruel way to stop NHS workers who have a rough time anyway.

However I do sympathise with the residents nearer the hospital whose lives are cursed with inconsiderate parkers.

It’s a pity that the greed of car park companies force the staff to pay to get to work.

On top of Boris’s one percenter, one feels great sympathy and think in some instances the council should think again.

After all the double lines opposite the sports centre are regularly avoided by ruining the grass verges through the lack of a carpark, which could be built on a redundant cricket pitch.

Alan Blandford
