Our talented Daily Echo Camera Club members have captured this morning's partial solar eclipse.

Earlier today. it was possible to see nearly a third of the sun being blocked out by the moon in what is known as an annular eclipse.

These only occur every one or two years, when the sun and moon are exactly in line with the earth but the apparent size of the moon is smaller than that of the sun.

And some members of our Camera Club have caught the eclipse on camera.

Daily Echo:

Picture by Mary Morgenstern 

Solar eclipses happen when the Moon comes between Earth and the Sun, the three celestial objects aligned so that the Moon leaves a shadow on Earth.

The type of solar eclipse that occurs depends on where the Moon is in its elliptical orbit.

Daily Echo:

Picture by Claire Sheppard

If the Moon is at its closest point to Earth it can block out most of the Sun’s rays, creating a total eclipse.

However, if the Moon is aligned with the Sun when it’s near to its furthest point from the Earth, it won’t block out all light.

Instead, it leaves a red ring or ring visible, creating what’s known as an annular eclipse.

Daily Echo:

Picture by John Scamell

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