There are calls for Southampton to have a big screen in the city where football fans can cheer on England as they reach the semi-finals of Euro 2020.

With the national team just one game away from the final on Sunday, Southampton Labour leader Satrvir Kaur said it would be great to give residents in the city somewhere to get together - safely - to cheer on the team.

She said: "As football brings our nation together, it’d be great to give Southampton a chance to get together (safely, like other cities) to cheer on #England in the semi-finals (and finals ) on a BIG SCREEN.

"If Labour were still running the Council, we absolutely would have done this…"

Around the country, cities like Manchester had social distancing events set-up for fans to watch the game on a big screen.

Fans were seen dancing in the streets in Southampton on Saturday night as England cruised past Ukraine to reach the sem-finals.

The city does already have a screen up for tennis fans to watch Wimbledon.

Westquay's Esplanade is serving up Centre Court action as Wimbledon makes a return.

Tennis fans are able to enjoy the matches on the big screen for free, next to the Spritz Social bar.

We asked our readers on Facebook what they thought.

Tell us where a good place for a big screen in Southampton would be.