COUNCIL chiefs were right to reject controversial plans for a care home - even though their decision has cost taxpayers £30,000, it has been claimed.

The Lymington Society says New Forest District Council was simply representing public opinion when it refused to allow a 100-bed hotel to be deleted from a major development.

In 2005 Paxton Holdings gained permission to build the hotel and 300 homes on the former Webbs chicken factory site in Bridge Road, Lymington.

Paxton subsequently asked for consent to ditch the hotel and replace it with a 60-bed care home for the elderly.

Councillors went against the advice of planning officers and rejected the proposal, saying a care home was not allowed under the site's planning guidelines.

However, Paxton lodged an appeal and the scheme was given the go-ahead following a public inquiry in April last year.

The council's ruling Cabinet has agreed that the authority should pay Paxton £30,246.

But the inspector's decision to penalise the authority has angered the Lymington Society.

Don Mackenzie, the group's spokesman,said: "The hotel was a very important addition to the site because of its potential for community use.

"The town council, the chamber of commerce and the Lymington Society were all in favour of the idea.£ He added: "Councillors were right to oppose the care home and were only representing public opinion."