A HAMPSHIRE blacksmith has been awarded the highest accolade of his career.

Gino Rickard, owner of Nuco Forge and Welding at Pilley near Lymington, has become an associate member of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths after gaining a Diploma of Merit.

As well as running a flourishing forge and metalwork business, the 46-year-old has also found time to present his work at international exhibitions.

His career began when he landed an apprenticeship with internationally renowned Brockenhurst blacksmith Guisseppe Lund.

Although he creates functional pieces and sculptures, Gino prefers to focus on the more decorative side of the trade, including sundials, weather vanes, curtain rails and fence railings.

Gino described his award from the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths as the pinnacle of his career.

"I'm so proud to have received this award," he said.