SOUTHAMPTON Co-Op staff have joined in a bid to raise £1m for mental health charities.

The team from the Ocean Village store joined the retailers divisional managing director, Peter Batt, in running 44 miles across six days visiting Co-Op stores across the South east.

The challenge was done in a bid to raise £1m as well as awareness for mental health charity partners, MIND, SAMH and Inspire.

Overall, the Co-op is aiming to raise a total of £8m for its charity partners and is working closely with the charities to "make a positive difference to the wellbeing of communities" across the UK.

Peter Batt, Co-op Divisional Managing Director, said: “We have all been, or know of someone, affected by mental health in some way, shape or form and that is why I think this is an issue so close to everyone’s heart.

"Mental wellbeing in our communities is an area that needs our support. It’s also one of those issues people still find difficult to talk about, despite the fact it can affect any of us at any time.

"I have been delighted at the way the whole team has thrown themselves into raising funds and awareness to improve mental wellbeing, and really got behind this important issue to make a positive difference in our communities.”

One in four adults will experience a mental health problem every year, and according to Mind’s survey during the first lockdown, almost two-thirds of adults said their mental health got worse during the pandemic.

But now, the Co-op funding is set to enable the delivery of community mental wellbeing services designed to improve people's resilience and help people cope with the ups and downs of life.

Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, said: “Thanks to Co-op colleagues for their energy and enthusiasm in raising funds and awareness through this charity partnership, we will be able to reach even more people in need of support, particularly in communities.”