SOUTHAMPTON'S National Oceanography Centre has been given £10,000 as it prepares for its expedition to the Thwaites Glacier.

The funding, which has comes from the philanthropy foundation, '10% for the Ocean' will now support the centre's involvement in The Thwaites-Amundsen Regional Survey and Network Integrating Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Processes (The TARSAN project).

The project will see NOC scientists support a 2022 expedition to the Thwaites Glacier, led by Professor Erin Pettit from Oregon State University and Professor Karen Heywood from the University of East Anglia.

The aim of the expedition is to shine a light on the future of the Thwaites Glacier and its potential contribution to global sea-level rise.

Sofie Bennett Head of Philanthropy, at the National Oceanography Centre, said: “We’re so grateful to 10% for the Ocean for their generous donation to support our vital research in understanding the future of the Thwaites glacier.

"This funding means NOC’s scientists can support a multi-national effort to explore ice-shelves with our state-of-the-art ALR technology, enabling the teams to explore areas which have not been researched since 2014.”