They've been causing traffic jams for weeks, but work on The Avenue is set to transform the busy Southampton road.

The works, opposite The Cowherds pub, began on July 21 - and it's quite a major scheme.

The council predicts that these works won't end for months.

But what's going on? Below we detail what they mean.

What is the main reason for the works?

There are quite a few things being done on this major stretch of road.

They are:

  • Construction of a new toucan crossing between Winn Road and The Common
  • Installation of 'continuous footways' across Winn Road junction, Westwood Road junction, and The Cowherds’ access roads - this will give pedestrians and cyclists priority over vehicles
  • Install a dropped crossing for pedestrians crossing Highfield Road

When do the works end?

Well, that's a good question. If everything goes as expected, then September 8 will be when the main works are removed from The Avenue.


A map has also been released by the council, detailing the work location.

The phase dates, and what they mean, are: 

  • Phase 1: 21 June for up to 7 weeks - Installation of a new toucan crossing on The Avenue, junction improvements at Winn Road and continuous crossings at The Cowherds entrances 
  • Phase 2: 21 June for up to 10 weeks - Tree management and street lighting improvements From Highfield Avenue to Winn Road 
  •  Phase 3: 9 August for up to 3 weeks – Westwood Road junction with The Avenue, modify the junction mouth and install a continuous footway crossing
  • Phase 4: 9 August for up to 1 week - Highfield Road at the junction with the Avenue, install a tactile dropped crossing for pedestrians

Daily Echo: A map of the work. Picture: Southampton City CoucilA map of the work. Picture: Southampton City Coucil