WORK to begin removing part of a cycle lane on a well-used Southampton road is to begin tonight.

Last week, the city council said that part of the route on The Avenue will be made permanent and part of it removed following a 15-month trial.

The lanes from The Cowherds junction to the subway underpass, halfway up the road, would be kept, with the rest of the route on the road north of the underpass to the Winchester Road roundabout being removed.

That work to remove these lanes will begin tonight night between 8pm and 6am.

Work will then take place overnight on August 19, 20, and 21 to reinstate road lines.

Many have criticised the plans, with cycling campaigners and councillors calling the plans ‘half-baked’ and 'unnecessary risk'

But the council says, in lieu of the routes, it will instead direct cyclists onto new ‘quietways’ which will take them into parallel-running side roads.


The council also says that it is mitigating the loss with extra works taking place on certain junctions to give cyclists and pedestrians ‘priority’ over motorists.

This is the council's plan for the works: 

  • Phase 1: Overnight Tuesday August 17: Removal of the cycle lane lining on The Avenue between the bus stops north of Highfield Road and Burgess Road. The works will require lane restrictions but two-way traffic will be maintained throughout.
  • Phase 2: Overnight from Thursday August 19: Removal of the cycle lanes and the blacking out of the previous lining along Bassett Avenue between Burgess Road and Winchester Road. This will be undertaken by two crews working inbound and outbound simultaneously so requires the closure of this section of Bassett Avenue overnight.
  • Phase 3: Overnight from Friday August 20 for up to two nights (weather permitting): Relining Bassett Avenue between Burgess Road and Winchester Road including the refreshing of lining at the junctions. This will also require the full closure of this section of Bassett Avenue.