A SOUTHAMPTON park has been searched for toxic substances after a pet dog was poisoned.

Barney the black Labrador was rushed to a vet after eating bread covered in rat poison.

The eight-year-old spent days being sick following the incident in Queens Park on August 20.

His owner, Tom Hicks immediately alerted the police.

The council has now said that one of its pest control teams searched the park for toxic substances, however, none were found.

It has revealed that no baiting has been done in Queens Park since the beginning of the year.

Furthermore, bait is only done in secured boxes and the affected areas are fenced off to help keep residents and pets safe.

Councillor Steven Galton, Cabinet Member for Environment says: “We are all very glad to hear that the dog has made a full recovery and we appreciate and thank the owner for immediately alerting the authorities to the issue. The Police passed the original complaint to us and our Pest Control team has comprehensively surveyed Queens Park for further toxic substances. I’d like to reassure everyone that none were found.”