PLANS to build more than 100 homes in place of a group of "unsightly and derelict" buildings are due to be discussed.

In December, Vivid Homes submitted plans for a new 105 home development between Toynbee Road, Eastleigh, and the town's cemetery.

Located on a two-hectare site currently occupied by "unsightly and derelict industrial warehouses, a car sales lot and a storage yard", the development would be made up of 35% affordable housing.

It would include 10 one-bedroom apartments, 48 two-bedroom apartments, 16 two- bedroom houses, 27 three-bedroom houses and four four-bedroom houses.

Now though a decision is due to be made on the plans at a meeting of the Eastleigh Local Area Committee today.

Council officers have recommended to councillors in the meetings agenda notes that the decision is delegated to the Executive Head of Planning and Economy in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair and Ward Councillors to resolve several factors.

These are: the receipt and consideration of further amended plans and consultation responses relating to noise and vibration, design, landscape and ecology, satisfactory Completion of Habitats Regulations Appropriate Assessment including consideration of response from Natural England and the completion of S106 agreement for terms identified in rep.

Once these have been done it is then recommended that the application is permitted.

A total of 27 objections have been made to the plans during the consultation period which ended August 13, raising issues such as parking and traffic issues as well as strain on local infrastructure such as schools.

But the applicants say: "The proposal seeks to make good use of this under-utilised land with a high quality contemporary housing scheme."

It is said that Leigh Road would be the principal route of travel both west and east dor residents of the proposed scheme, resulting in an increase of 14 vehicle movements in the AM peak and 30 movements in PM peak hours.