A CAR has been seized after the driver was found to have no licence or insurance.

Police were called to reports of a prolific shoplifter being seen in the vicinity of Holbury yesterday and upon arrival they found a man leaving in a Peugeot 207 on Renda Road.

The vehicle was stopped and the driver was found not to be insured and driving without a valid license.

The vehicle also had four bald tyres with the wire exposed.

Daily Echo:

He has been reported for the traffic offences and the vehicle was seized under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act.

He will be summonsed to court in due course.

A statement on the Waterside Cops Facebook page said: "This is a good opportunity to remind road users to check their tyres for wear and damage.

"Most tyres have an indicator of where the legal limit is but if you're unsure get it checked at a reputable garage."