FRESH calls have been made for a city-wide 20mph limit in Southampton after council chiefs have seen a groundswell of support for the safety measures.

Southampton City Council’s deputy leader Jeremy Moulton told the Echo there was a “huge response” to a consultation asking residents where they want speed restrictions.

It’s set to close on Friday but has been so popular a second consultation will be carried out - and funding for traffic calming measures is now doubled to £1m.

Cllr Moulton said a “large chunk” of the city could see the limits introduced in future.

Campaigners have welcomed the move – but want to go further.

Daily Echo: Lyn Brayshaw.Lyn Brayshaw.

Lyn Brayshaw, of Southampton Street Space told the Echo: “It would be safer for all residents if we had a city-wide enforced 20mph zone, with safe crossing places on all main road junctions.”

She added: “Anything that encourages active travel is good for individuals, the city, the NHS budget and the planet.”

Areas where limits have been requested in the consultation are Highfield, Oakmount Triangle, Portswood, St Denys and Shirley.

There is further interest in the centre of the city at The Polygon, Bedford Place and Woolston.

Daily Echo: Councillor Jeremy Moulton. Councillor Jeremy Moulton.

Cllr Moulton, who is also cabinet member for growth, said: “[The funding] is to make sure we’ve got capacity to do everything that everyone’s asked for and it’s also to give us some flexibility around traffic calming and things like vehicle activated signs.

“I’m hoping that will allow us to do a phase two. So it may be that certain areas didn’t get their requests in this time but when they see what’s coming forward they’ll say ‘have my road too’.”

It is believed the first batch of roads could have the new limits by the end of summer.

Cllr Moulton is expecting more places to be suggested in the consultation before it ends.

But leader of the Labour opposition, Cllr Satvir Kaur, has concerns that not enough is being done to ensure people abide by the limits.

“Labour support all traffic calming measures to make our streets safer and were the ones to introduce 20mph zones in the first place,” Cllr Kaur said.

“While it is encouraging that more investment for this will be available, we all know signs on their own will not make a difference, only proper enforcement and infrastructure changes in some cases will.

“We will continue to lobby for these additions and hope residents are not short-changed in getting everything they need to ensure we all live on safer streets.”

In response, Cllr Moulton added: “You can’t get everyone complying and the police will be able to legally enforce them but in addition we’ll look at traffic calming measures where appropriate.

“In Daisy Dip for instance in Swaythling, we’ve consulted residents on hard engineering solutions to that. We’ll be looking at things like raised tables as well, making sure appropriate markings are on the road to give a feel of entering into a residential area.”

Swaythling ward councillor, Lorna Fielker, said: “I welcome the road safety improvements to Lobelia Road, but disappointed that residents requests for double yellow lines at the junctions to improve visibility were not included in the initial plans. We hope that the finalised plans following consultation include this detail.”