A cruel thug has been jailed after he hurled his partner's French Bulldog against a wall and brutally kicked it.

Jordan Campbell, Westridge Road, Southampton, also threw a 'ceramic statue' at partner Beth Wood's dog Frankie - after drunkenly accusing the pet of being a 'grass'.

The 28-year-old from Southampton had returned to Miss Wood's flat after going to a nearby pub whilst she cared for their newborn son.

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He lashed out at the defenceless dog and hit his terrified partner when she tried to phone for help, a court heard.

Campbell then took Miss Wood's car, which was later found overturned, and racially abused a police officer when arrested.

Magistrates have now jailed him for 20 weeks, banned him from owning animals for two years and disqualified Campbell from driving for three years.

Campbell admitted a total of ten charges including assault by beating, aggravated vehicle taking, criminal damage and causing unnecessary harm to a protected animal.

In a statement read to the court, Miss Wood explained she had spent the day with Campbell and their baby before returning to her flat in the village of Kings Worthy near Winchester, Hants.

She said: "We arrived at my place in the evening and Jordan said he wanted to go out, but I was not happy as we had a newborn baby together.

"In the end I told him to go out, and he left to go to the nearest pub whilst I remained at home looking after [our son].

"When he came back he was stumbling all over the place. I had just put [our son] down.

"He was calling me a 'grass' and looking for my car keys. I was angry and told him to sleep it off.

"He said, 'Give me the car keys - I will smash your face in and throw you around the room'.

"I went into the bedroom, and after a few minutes I heard him saying to my dog, 'Frankie - you grass,' and 'Frankie you snake'.

"He was talking to him like he was a human, trying to start an argument...

"I saw him kick Frankie in the ribs, causing him to let out a high-pitched yelp.

"Then he picked Frankie up by the scruff of his neck and threw him against the wall, and he yelped again.

"Frankie ran into the living room and I could hear [Campbell] beating him. I screamed at him to stop and stepped between them.

"He picked up a ceramic French Bulldog statue and threw it at the dog. It hit Frankie who again yelped and tried to run away."

When Miss Wood attempted to call police - fearful of Campbell's destructive behaviour around their newborn baby - her partner grabbed her phone and 'palmed' her across the face 'with the force of a punch'.

He then 'smashed' her iPhone on the end of a bed before throwing it against the wall.

In her statement, Miss Woods added: "I was crying in hysterics whilst he stood and laughed... all I could think about was how I would survive and keep [my son] safe."

After eventually finding Miss Wood's car keys, Campbell drove and later crashed her £5,500 car.

He was arrested at around 11pm in Petersfield near Portsmouth - 20 miles away from Miss Wood's flat.

Basingstoke Magistrates' Court, Hants, heard he lashed out at police and racially harassed a Muslim officer.

Jailing him for 20 weeks, Lead Magistrate Glen Bertram told Campbell: "There were a number of offences in a domestic situation where individuals should be entitled to feel safe.

"We will be sending you to prison for a total of 20 weeks. For causing unnecessary harm to the dog, [we sentence you to] three weeks in custody, reduced to two weeks for your early guilty plea.

"We further make an order that you are not to own an animal for 24 months."

The court heard Frankie has been rehomed with a new owner.