THE average Band D council tax set by local authorities in England for 2022/23 has been announced.

Southampton City Council has the 63rd highest yearly rate when compared to the other 332 councils in the county.

It will charge £1,644 per annum – but this has not increased from the previous year.

This sum includes adult social care and parish precepts, but does not take into account the £150 council tax rebate that will be provided to households in Bands A to D by the Government to help with rising energy prices.

Neighbouring authority Portsmouth City Council ranks 85th highest in the list, charging £1,570 per year. This has increased by 2.99% when compared to the 2021/2022.

Eastleigh Borough Council’s average Band D tax has risen to £208, up 3.05%.

The second cheapest council in the UK is Basingstoke Deane charging £160. This is an increase on 3.41%.

The average Band D council tax set by local authorities in England for 2022/23 is £1,966, up £67 or 3.5% on the previous year.

All data published by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities.