HUNDREDS of families lined the streets of a Hampshire town to welcome the return of a community carnival.

After a two-year break caused by the pandemic, Totton and Eling Carnival was back with a bang this weekend. 

The parade made its way through the town with floats from community groups, schools and local businesses. 

Teams designed and made their own floats and costumes with each group sticking to a theme.

These included Snow White, Alice in Wonderland and Robin Hood. 

During the event on Saturday, children held out buckets to collect change and people in the crowd would run forward to make a donation.

The procession started at 4pm at Calmore Industrial Estate then headed down Salisbury Road, past Asda and then headed to the train gates.

From there they went to Batts Corner, past the sweet shop and then right onto Rose Road and straight into Eling recreation ground at around 5.30pm.

A number of roads were closed for the event and hundreds of people lined the entire route.

The event was organised by a dedicated team led by chairwoman Tanya Harder.

She said: "We've hosted the Totton and Eling Carnival which hasn't happened in two years due to the pandemic so in the last six months we've had a whole brand-new committee get together.

"In six months we've jumped through so many hoops to get to where we are today. We've got schools we've got community groups that have joined in.

"People are on floats, people have their own vehicles, we have so many walkers, cosplayers.

"We couldn't have put this event on without the help of our local lorry companies, local business and sponsorships, and of course without all of the participants and the marshals.

"Without them, today wouldn't happen.

"The biggest thank you goes to my committee team because without them this wouldn't have been possible."

Committee members included Steph Hallas, Dave Hills, Gill Knighton, Donna Summers and Leanne Alford.

First held in 1914, the annual celebration is described as an upbeat, family-orientated event that is close to residents’ hearts.