MEDICS at A&E in Southampton are set to be issued with body-worn cameras after a spike in violence and abuse.

Staff at University Hospital Southampton are facing increased levels of violence and abuse from patients.

In a bid to protect workers, the NHS Trust will be trialling body-worn cameras in its emergency department.

The Trust said that violence and aggression towards staff "remains a critical challenge" with almost 400 violence and abuse incidents recorded in six months. 

The move comes following other trials at emergency departments across the country.

It is hoped that the cameras, which will be worn by clinical staff, will act as a deterrent to potential offenders.

It will offer staff additional support should a situation escalate and the police become involved.

Bosses at Southampton Healthwatch have said they hope to see a "major reduction in this behaviour". 

Harry Dymond, Chair of Healthwatch Southampton, said: "Healthwatch Southampton is acutely aware of the increase abuse suffered by Emergency Department staff at the hospital.  

"While we understand patients' frustration at what can sometimes be very long waits, we have no sympathy for subsequent violence against staff who are working incredibly hard to serve patients and who inevitably have to make priority decisions. 

"We are sure the decision to use body cameras was taken after very careful consideration of the facts and hope that they will help to reduce abuse and violence towards staff. 

"We acknowledge the need to treat all patients but emphasise that there is no justification for patients to be abusive or violent. 

"We would hope to see a major reduction in this behaviour and encourage all patients to be thankful and respectful of the care provided for them."

Cameras will only be used if and when an incident occurs, and a date is yet to be set for the trial.

Between January and June this year, a total of 375 violence and abuse referrals have been made at the Trust. 

Of the incidents referred, 161 were physical aggression from patients to staff. 

Five of these were physical aggression from relatives to staff and two were staff member against staff member. 

There were 73 reports of verbal aggression from patients to staff and 12 reports of relatives towards staff. 

So far, 453 support leaflets have been sent out to staff, but only 25 staff members have sought one to one support.

In 2021, an exclusion policy was launched, giving the Trust the power to refuse treatment for repeat offenders.

This system worked by issuing warnings and cards to offenders.

Since it was implemented, a number of warning letters have been issued and only one incident escalated to a yellow card.

At the start of July, the Trust began working with the new security specialists, who will tackle issues such as violence and abuse, theft and crime awareness.

A spokesperson for the Trust said: “Following a rise in reports of unacceptable anti-social behaviour and aggression experienced within our Emergency Department, the Trust is planning to pilot the use of body-worn cameras for a small number of clinical staff. 

“The cameras will only be used if and when an incident occurs, with the aim of further protecting our staff and patients, whose safety is always our priority.”

It comes after Home Office figures show Hampshire police recorded 1,608 assaults on emergency workers in the year to March.

Emergency workers include the police, paramedics and firefighters, along with many others, including prison officers, NHS workers, and St John’s Ambulance volunteers.

The total number recorded last year was up from 1,328 in 2020-21, when assaults on emergency workers who are not police constables were recorded for the first time.

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