A Southampton school "is on a journey to improve" after receiving a low rating by Ofsted.

Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School has been rated 'requires improvement' following its most recent inspection.

The Warren Crescent school was told to improve in three out of five categories - quality of education, leadership and management, and early years provision.

The other two - behaviours and attitude and personal development - were rated 'good'.

READ MORE: 'Nurturing' nursery rated Outstanding by Ofsted

At the time of the inspection, the school had 439 pupils aged between two and 11 years old.

Inspectors found that although most pupils enjoy learning, some do not feel "challenged by their work".

The report said: "This is because, in the past, expectations have not been high enough and the curriculum was too narrow.

"However, this is now changing. Senior leaders are determined for all pupils to have every opportunity to flourish and succeed."

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Leaders recognised that "pupils have not received the quality of education they deserve", the report said.

The inspector found that many teachers "lack expertise in designing tasks" that help pupils to know and remember more over time.

They added that teachers do not use the most effective strategies to help pupils connect new knowledge to what they already know.

The report claims that reception pupils are not encouraged to be curious or to concentrate for sustained periods of time.

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Despite this, inspectors found that pupils are encouraged to develop "positive, can-do attitudes" to learning.

They added that since the appointment of the new headteacher, staff have invested time and effort into developing a whole-school approach to support pupils’ emotional well-being.

The report states that senior leaders and governors want the "very best for all pupils", adding that they are "working well together to improve the school".

Headteacher Zoe Newton said: "Whilst I am delighted the report recognises the strengths of the school, we know it has also identified some clear areas for improvement.

"These areas have already been written into our School Improvement Plan and we have been working on implementing changes and actions.

"The school is on a journey of improvement and I, together with the staff and governors have an unwavering focus for the school to continue to go from strength to strength."

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