A five-year wait was finally over for adventurous cyclists as a pump track opened at the weekend.

The previously “underused” space at Sullivan Road recreation area has been transformed into a track full of banked turns and rollers for all wheels and abilities.

The project has been a labour of love for Monty’s Community Hub which sought action for more facilities in the area.

Josh Allen, bike hub manager said: “It is so exciting to see this project come to fruition.

“This track will make a massive impact on families and young people in the community, who often said there was nothing for their kids to do.

“There is lots of evidence that pump tracks like this reduce anti-social behaviour as young people will have more opportunities to channel positive energies, can spend more time being active and having fun with their mates.”

Daily Echo:

READ MORE: 'It means a lot seeing it grow': Bike park reopens after major revamp

Among those enjoying the thrills and spills of the track was Lord Mayor, Cllr Jacqui Rayment.

She said: “It’s fantastic that there’s a facility designed for local people by local people.

“You only have to see the turnout today to see what an amazing facility this is.”

Monty’s worked with Southampton City Council to secure £60,000 in match funding from Veolia’s Landfill Communities Fund.

Councillor Eammon Keogh, cabinet member for transport and district regeneration, described the joint venture as “amazing.”

He said: “It’s a wonderful facility that encourages young people to be active and to have fun in a safe and secure environment.

“This park is a legacy that’s going to last, it’s a remarkable achievement.

“It is also a testament to people’s commitment and is a project we are incredibly proud of.”