A COUNCILLOR at the centre of controversy for sitting on two councils 76 miles apart has announced he will stand down.

Tim Bearder was previously urged to resign after he was elected to Oxfordshire County Council as well as Eastleigh Borough Council. 

Eastleigh MP, Paul Holmes said the Lib Dem councillor was “short-changing” the residents of West End saying “it is completely wrong” that he should represent two areas.

He has now announced he will stand down in Eastleigh after housing a Ukrainian refugee and her five-year-old son.

READ MORE: Calls for Eastleigh councillor to resign due to roles on multiple councils

In a video posted on social media, he said: “I know it suits the Conservative narrative to continually, and falsely suggest that I don’t deliver for the people here in West End, but actually over the last four years, I have been continually delivering here for the people and the community.

"Last year a big change happened in my life and a five-year-old Ukrainian refugee and his mother came to stay with me and anybody who’s had child-caring responsibilities will understand just what a significant change that is in somebody’s life.

“I’ve taken the difficult decision to stand down from my responsibilities here in Eastleigh and concentrate on what I’m doing on cabinet in Oxfordshire.”

In the video, Cllr Bearder praised Eastleigh, calling it “one of the best run councils in the whole country” whilst criticising Tory Mr Holmes as an “awful MP”.

But Holmes, who was elected in 2019 responded by saying: “Hooray! Finally three jobs Bearder departs Eastleigh after neglecting West End and turning up to no decision making meetings.

READ MORE: Liberal Democrats Tim Bearder urged to “make a decision” over area to represent

“His record in Eastleigh and Oxford is dire. Time for change, time for a new local councillor in West End.”

EBC’s website shows that of four total expected attendances for meetings, Cllr Bearder attended one, offering apologies for the three missed.

He is currently the cabinet member for adult social care for Oxfordshire County Council and represents Wheatley.

He also represents Forest Hill and Holton on South Oxfordshire District Council.

Cllr Bearder told the Echo: "Anyone with children will know that they are incredibly rewarding but take up a lot of time and it no longer became practical to do all I was doing.

"It is with great sadness that I’m leaving Eastleigh. 

"The team of officers and councillors are exceptional and I will miss their support and expertise tremendously. 

"I really look forward to applying the skills and knowledge I’ve learnt there and using them to transform the councils I serve on in Oxfordshire, which have been left in an appalling state after decades of Tory mismanagement.

"I wish my successor the very best of luck."