HAMPSHIRE County Council has agreed the sale of Capital House in Winchester to the University of Southampton.

The four-story office building, which used to form part of the County Council’s Winchester office accommodation, has been unoccupied for several months. After careful consideration, the County Council has decided the building is no longer required.

Leader of Hampshire County Council, Councillor Rob Humby, said: “We have always carefully monitored the use of our offices to ensure they remain cost-effective, and to release savings whenever possible.

“We are also mindful of our role in the local economy, and the needs of local residents and our partners.

“Capital House has been unoccupied in recent months, and following considered review, we have determined that we no longer need it.

“I’m very pleased that the University of Southampton has come forward, to give it a new purpose that will help continue to drive our local economy.”

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The University is now purchasing the building, with an aim to invest in the Winchester School of Art.

A spokesperson for the University said: "The University of Southampton has an immediate need for space as we consider improvements to our current Winchester School of Art site.

“The purchase of Capital House enables that extra capacity for teaching and learning space whilst also allowing for swing space within walking distance from the WSA campus."

Hampshire County Council is reviewing its office accommodation in Winchester more widely. Like many organisations, the County Council has been working differently since the Covid-19 pandemic, creating an opportunity for significant savings on the cost of running offices. It is also considering whether further buildings might be identified for lease or sale.

Councillor Humby added: “We’re currently looking ahead at what may be possible, balancing the opportunities for savings with the need to support the local economy, and avoiding disruption to public services. I look forward to further modernisation and streamlining of our operations.”