I’m a second generation Indian lady, born and bred in Southampton.

I trained as a nurse at Southampton General Hospital then moved to a teaching hospital in London, where I became a clinical lead.

I recently retired and moved back to Hampshire.

I’d been told by friends that Romsey was a friendly town in which to live, albeit pretty expensive!

I am staying with someone in Middlebridge Street - and often walk around the streets, visiting the riverside and park.

Beggars Fair attracted a lot of outsiders who, as far as I know, acted pretty well.

However - whilst walking from the Memorial Park to the town centre on Tuesday, July 1 there were a group of louts, five or six boys, one on an e-scooter, and a tubby girl in a cream track suit, ambling along the centre of the road.

Any vehicles trying to get by were treated to a foul-mouthed tirade from the mob.

I walked pretty fast around them towards the town.

“Why don’t you go back home? Can’t you speak English? Can’t you understand what I’m saying?”

I don’t expect to hear nasty comments like that in a prosperous English market town. 

If I’d walked over and clipped the ears of the lippy yobs I’d be the one had up for assault, thugs like them know how to use the law to their advantage.

My main complaint is - there were no police anywhere in or around the town centre, or on any road to deter youths such as them from causing trouble.

Having walked around Romsey during the day, I occasionally viewed a couple of Bobbies or a car. 

Admittedly the town was very quiet so no real need for police presence.

However - we are coming close to the stupidly long summer holiday break of more than six weeks; I wonder what the feckless youth of Romsey are going to do? 

Wander round mouthing off at locals and tourists, knowing full well they will not be apprehended and given a short, sharp lesson in politeness and humility?

Where are the police and PCSOs? 

Filling in forms in the station, set some way outside of the town centre? 

If Romsey wants to attract more tourists and provide local residents with a bit of faith and support, they should be seen!

Dolly Sandhu
