A HARDWORKING shop worker is setting an example for others after "going above and beyond" at his workplace. 

Trevor Davis, who has Down's syndrome, has been working at the New Milton charity shop Revitalise for nearly three years. 

According to his colleagues, he has demonstrated a huge commitment to his various tasks in the shop.

From sales to sweeping floors and hanging clothes, Trevor is known to take initiative and carry out his responsibilities with enthusiasm. 

In addition to his work ethic, Trevor's personality shines through in his interactions with both staff and customers. 

He embraces the opportunity to go above and beyond, always willing to lend a helping hand wherever needed. 

Speaking about his experience of working at the store, Trevor said: "My favourite part about working at Revitalise is the friendships at work and helping others.

!I also enjoy hanging the clothes and working on the till."

Another shop worker, Vicky, works closely with Trevor in case he ever needs help. 

She has been providing invaluable support to Trevor by helping him at the sales counter and guiding him through operations at the cash register.

After working alongside him, she said: "I have seen Trevor's genuine joy in contributing to the shop's daily operations, particularly enjoying the process of handling customer transactions." 

She added: "Trevor is such a lovely human being and a joy to work with. We adore him and he brightens our day. We’re lucky to have him."

A study by the Down's Syndrome Association reveals that in 2019, only 5.9 per cent of people with learning disabilities known to social services are in any form of paid work, but it is known that 65 per cent of people with learning disabilities want to work. 

Revitalise is on a mission to break down barriers and provide meaningful employment to individuals like Trevor. 

Rebecca Young, director of strategy, impact, and external affairs, said: "We are thrilled to have Trevor as a part of our charity shop team. He shows the transformative impact of inclusive employment and volunteering and demonstrates the importance of creating a society that embraces diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.

"At Revitalise, we are committed to breaking down barriers and celebrating the unique abilities of disabled individuals".