You hear of many moans about the NHS - well this is not one of those.

I was recently struck down with severe abdominal pains.

I called 111 and they took my details and my symptoms.

They arrange a call back to me that came a little later.

The caller arranged an ambulance which duly came with two people they were wonderful and after many checks took me to the Southampton General Hospital.

They then put me in the care of A&E Department.

Well, they all deserve a medal.

I had my son with me who has learning difficulties.

They were as much about his wellbeing as mine, and made sure that he got home safely.

I guess I always knew the A&E was a busy place but I was amazed just how busy they were. But their care and compassion were exceptional.

I was transferred to the ASU for surgery, I was later taken to E5 to await the operation.

During this time I was treated as if I was a VIP all of the staff, from consultant to sweeper up, all and everyone were a credit to the NHS.

As an add on, I would to say the food, for most of my stay I was nil by mouth, but what food I did have was very good and tasty.

I personally have no complaints with any of my short stay at the Southampton General Hospital.