Controversial plans to scrap parking near Southampton's historic Bargate could take a step forward.

The city council will be meeting on Tuesday to discuss plans to transform the car park at Albion Place into a bus interchange.

It is also proposed that the adjoining Castle Way car park will turn into an urban park.

The planning and rights of way panel will recommend that conditional approval for the plans will be granted.

The agenda for the meeting states the council ‘has considered the impact of the development’ on the adjoining conservation area, listed buildings, and Scheduled Ancient Monuments, and found the impact ‘to be acceptable’.

Daily Echo: The proposed plans for Albion Place car parkThe proposed plans for Albion Place car park (Image: Southampton City Council)

But objections made to the council about the plans will be discussed during the meeting.

These are the reasons for the plans to be referred to the panel.

One objection described the plans as ‘especially concerning’ as the future of bus operations is ‘not within the council's power and could change considerably’.

It reads: “The Freemasons group, as the only business directly impacted by the scheme, we were not given advance warning or notified of the on-line survey in February 2021.

“The 339 respondents were not an adequate representation of the community.”

Another protestor claims the scheme would adversely impact the Southampton Masonic Hall Company, where ‘groups and events will decide to stop using the facilities’.

In response to this, the council said that due to the size, layout and operational requirements of the bus hub, it is ‘not feasible or practicable’ to retain any public car parking.

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If approved, 128 parking spaces will be removed to create a bus hub interchange and park space.

A new zebra crossing to the south of Albion Place to connect Castle Lane to either side of Castle Way will be created, along with on-street bus infrastructure.

The existing zebra crossing near Albion Place will be relocated to ‘improve connectivity’ between the Shopmobility Hub and the high street.

Additional facilities include improved waiting facilities, cycle parking and space for cycle docks and e-scooter hire.

Previous discussions surrounding the plans concluded that Albion Place provided the better solution to enhance heritage assets and reduce long term risk to them.

"Its position provides an opportunity to develop and contribute to a modern, attractive, and vibrant city centre core”, a design and access statement states.

The statement says the scheme aims to "reconfigure and redevelop".

The plans will be discussed on September 12.