The Romsey School has retained its good status during its first full Ofsted inspection since 2017.

Teaching is inspirational and pupils behave exceptionally well according to the report, which highlighted outstanding leadership and management and personal development, behaviour and welfare.

The report confirmed that the school 'is firmly committed to compassionate excellence. This is highlighted through the school’s shared values of aspire, care and include. These values permeate and define the school. Pupils are highly aspirational and care for one another. There is a strong ethos of inclusivity and a real focus on tolerance.'

Daily Echo: The Romsey School has retained its good status during an Ofsted inspection

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Inspectors were impressed by the students’ attitudes and behaviour in lessons and during social times. They noted: “the school has high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils are calm, engaged, polite and respectful. They hold doors open for adults and are keen to talk about their work as school ambassadors. There is a strong focus on praise and encouragement. Bullying is rare and dealt with appropriately.”

Teachers 'are very well motivated and enthusiastic about their work', the senior leadership team is 'new, committed and determined, and the headteacher has a zeal which is decisive and persuasive'.

The report also noted that 'pupils are happy and safe'.

Daily Echo: The Romsey School has retained its good status during an Ofsted inspection

Headteacher Annie Eagle said: "I am absolutely thrilled, excited and delighted for the future of The Romsey School, along with its direct and wider community.

"We strongly believe that our students deserve the very best and we remain determined to ensure that this becomes a daily reality for them in their learning, their personal development, their social time and their school environment. We have made rapid progress towards this aim since the pandemic and we look with great hope and ambition towards the school’s exciting future.”

Daily Echo: The Romsey School has retained its good status during an Ofsted inspection

Head student Callum Aitken added: "I feel like the school has changed vastly for the better since we have arrived. Our journey through the school paralleled this growth.”

The school, in Priestlands, has invested £3 million on new student toilets, a bridge walkway, and dance studio in the last year. 

It has also been granted planning permission to develop a state of the art student support centre over the next academic year.

Daily Echo: The Romsey School has retained its good status during an Ofsted inspection