More than a thousand people came together at the weekend for a get-together in a Southampton Park.

The Great Get Together, which is held annually by friends of Freemantle Lake Park, saw 31 stalls set up on Saturday with a range of activities on offer.

These included the Bike Doctor, arts and crafts with Fremantle Baptist Church, a history stall and a juggler.

READ MORE: Freemantle Lake Park being opened in October 1958

Entertainment was provided by Hamrick, Brass, FASATS, May Dance School, The Chinese Association of Southampton and DJ Mills_Mills.

A total of £600 was raised on the day which will go towards future improvements to the park.

Charlotte Ndupuechi, Friends of Freemantle Lake Park secretary, said: “It was great to see so many people attend yesterday's community event at Freemantle Lake Park.

"We are really grateful to everyone for their support.

"There was a fabulous variety of stalls and entertainment and the very popular raffle stall."