The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

LLOYD WELCH, 36, of Blakeney Road, Southampton admitted a single count of harassment in breach of a restraining order at Ashburton Close in Dibden Purlieu. He was jailed for seven weeks and must pay £45 towards court costs. 

JOHN NEWMAN, 69, of Upper Toothill Road, Rownhams pleaded guilty to failing to comply with his notification requirements on the sex offenders register in that he failed to complete his annual notification requirements and was seven days late. Newman was fined £200 and must pay court costs of £85 plus an £80 surcharge. 

LACEY SAFE, 37, of Lexby Road, Totton admitted using threatening, abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. He also pleaded guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker in Fordingbridge. Safe was given a one-year community order with a six-month alcohol treatment requirement and 15 days of rehabilitation activity. He must also pay compensation of £50 to the police officer.

Read our previous round-up here

VIRGILIJUS JANULEVICIUS, 61, of St Mary Street, Southampton pleaded guilty to harassment in breach of a restraining order. They were given a 12-week sentence suspended for 18 months with 10 days of rehabilitation activity and 60 hours of unpaid work. Janulevicius must also pay court costs of £85 plus a £128 surcharge. 

DWAIN WARD, 40, of Howards Grove, Shirley admitted theft from a shop in that he stole £26.60 worth of meat from the Co-Op on Millbrook Road West. Ward was fined £100 and must pay a £40 surcharge. 

BOBBIE SPAKE, 29, of Canon Place, Southampton was found guilty of possessing a flick knife of gravity knife in Southampton. He was given a sentence of 18 weeks suspended for 12 months and must complete 60 hours of unpaid work. Spake must also pay £150 in court costs and a £128 surcharge. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the knife.