Plans to demolish a farmhouse and barns in West End have been rejected by Eastleigh Borough Council.

The proposals put forward by Country Homes Corhampton Ltd sought to bulldoze a redundant farmhouse, barns, sheds and greenhouse and build three industrial units and an office space.

The site on Botley Road sits next to the M27 and is adjacent to an industrial site near Bradbeers Retail Park as well as Moorgreen Meadows.

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While the plans sought to redevelop the site with industrial units and office space on the south end of the lad, the northern part would also deliver “significant ecological enhancements", the planning application stated.

However, Eastleigh Borough Council rejected these proposals.

In its decision notice, the council said the proposed constructions of these industrial units would result in “an unacceptable urbanising impact which would be detrimentally harmful to the countryside.”

The decision said: “The proposed development would result in an adverse impact upon the nearby Moorgreen Meadows SSSI.”

Adding: “In the absence of a planning obligation to secure financial contributions towards sustainable transport and public art, the proposals are unacceptable.”