A dispersal order has been authorised for Fareham town centre in a bid to tackle anti-social behaviour.

The order was put in place as of 6pm yesterday evening (October 27) and will run until 6pm on Sunday. 

The powers have been brought in due to issues of youth-related anti-social behaviour and disorder which police say is impacting businesses in the area.

Daily Echo:

In a statement, a spokesperson said: “Dispersal orders enable police to deal with any issues of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in a directed area more effectively and give our officers the power to order a person who is likely to or has caused harassment, alarm or distress, or has been involved in crime and disorder to leave the area with no return within the specified time period.

“Those who refuse to comply with the order are committing a criminal offence and are liable for arrest.

“Children between the ages of 10 and 16 who are issued with dispersal notices will be taken home to their parents/guardian.

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“Officers will be patrolling the town throughout the weekend, engaging with businesses and members of the public including young people.”

“ASB and the associated criminality makes life miserable for local people and businesses.

“We will continue to make enquiries and use all tactics available to us to tackle this and encourage anyone affected by ASB or retail crime to please keep reporting incidents to us."

Anyone with information about anti-social behaviour is being asked to contact police on 101, or submit information online. If a crime is in progress, call 999.