A Covid-19 vaccination centre which has administered more than 90,000 jabs to Southampton people has been nominated for a national award. 

University Health Campus, which is student led, has brought together doctors, vaccinators, nurses, volunteers, administrators, and pharmacists since January 2021.

Together, the professionals have worked to help improve patient experience by introducing digital solutions to share information so that patients don’t have to repeat themselves. They have also introduced a way to electronically measure queue times allowing them to monitor wait times more effectively.

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These digital improvements to enhance patient experience have led to the site being nominated for Vaccination Service of the Year at the national General Practice Awards.

Charlotte Bevan, vaccination site lead, told the Daily Echo: “We always want to make sure that people who come for their vaccination receive a really safe and quick service. Some of our digital work is unique and has really helped to streamline the process.

“For example, traditionally you would look for someone’s appointment by looking through a big file and searching alphabetically.

“Here, we ask people to give their date of birth and from that we can recall their details and then print it on a barcode which they have with them. It saves them from having to give details more than once, as others in the team can scan it and see, and means you can electronically add on the vaccination someone has had.

“We also use QR codes to understand how long waiting times are and then use this information to see how we can make appointments flow more smoothly so people don’t have to wait too long.”

As well as providing Covid-19 vaccinations, the site also delivers the flu jab and HPV and meningitis jabs for Southampton’s student population.

Michael Penston, digital transformation lead for the Southampton North Primary Care Network, said: "It’s more than a team – we all work very closely and are so proud of the work we have done together, especially through some very difficult and tough times."

The awards ceremony takes place on Friday December 8.