Residents in Botley have sent more than 100 objections to Eastleigh Borough Council over a six-home development near a pub.

The application is for three pairs of semi-detached properties, parking spaces at the side of each new home and a new access road.

Dorrington Homes (UK) Ltd has submitted the plans with the homes set to be built on the green area next to the Pear Tree Inn pub on Winchester Road.

The planning application on the council’s website currently has more than 110 objections from residents of Botley and nearby Hedge End.

Repeatedly-raised issues with the proposal include a loss of green space – particularly related to other large developments that have resulted in the loss of open space.

John Shelfer, of Winchester Road, said it's clearly a 'universally unpopular application'. 

Botley resident Benjamin Meas, of Braxells Road, said: “With so much greenspace being built upon, it would be such a shame to lose this central area of land.”

Abigail  Champion, of Maddoxford Way, added: "These houses are not wanted, are not required, and are not included in the Botley Parish Plan for this reason.

"There has already been massive overdevelopment of the original hamlet of Boorley Green, and these speculative applications to build on the last remaining green sites left within the area, are simply not necessary, do not serve any positive purpose and are not wanted."

Residents have also said the area is frequently used as a playing field by children in the area.

Botley resident Darren Sepala, of Wallace Avenue, added: "This grassland and kids' play area is used by every family that has the opportunity to visit the pear tree.

“There are no other local family nearby pubs that have this space and provide an opportunity for kids to play after school.

“The pub also puts on regular outdoor festivals which produce excellent community spirit.”

Daily Echo: This is what the homes may look like if the development is approved at the siteThis is what the homes may look like if the development is approved at the site (Image: Vivid)

Others have said Winchester Road is already a busy road, with concerns that more homes will make this worse.

Sian Brumpton, from Crows Nest Lane in Botley, said: “There are already far too many houses and dangerous traffic in this area. Yet another access road, particularly at this point on Winchester Road, would cause more hazards.

“As the only pub locally, it would be appalling to see any restrictions placed on it due to new housing right next door. Six dwellings in such a small space us just ridiculous.”