PLANS for more than 300 homes have been unveiled on the outskirts of Romsey.

Developer Gladmans wants to build the homes, open space and recreational facilities at Halterworth Lane.

This comes just two weeks after Highwood Group revealed plans for more than 250 houses, office space and warehouses at Hillier Brentry Nursery, Jermyns Lane.

Romsey MP Caroline Nokes said: “The land in question is outside the current development plan, is designated as countryside and within the local gap between Romsey and North Baddesley.

"I have let Gladman have my views in no uncertain terms.

"Test Valley currently has adequate housing land supply and has a track record of delivering housing, this is in addition to other proposals and as such would exceed the numbers required.”

READ MORE: Hillier Brentry Nursery major plans public consultation held

Cllr Mark Cooper, who represents the Tadburn ward and chairs the southern area planning committee, said: “Gladmans are known for making speculative housing applications and all the land at Halterworth, including the Gladman proposal is not in the current TVBC Borough Local Plan and as matters stand, if they were to pursue a planning application it would be refused by TVBC’s planners.

"As I understand it, Test Valley councillors will be debating housing site allocations at the January 2024 full council meeting.

“It’s also worth pointing out that Romsey has, in very recent years, had to accept a large volume of new housing at Abbotswood, Cupernham Lane and Kings Chase.

"The town also has 1,100 dwellings allocated in the current BLP at Whitenap and I would expect these to be built out over the next 10 years or so.

"It would thus be an extreme imposition to add yet more big housing estates to Romsey.”

Daily Echo: Halterworth Lane plan

The developer has launched a comprehensive website for people can view the plans and submit their views.

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A statement said: “We are currently at the stage of preparing an outline planning application to support the residential development of this site.

"An outline planning application seeks permission for the principle of development on the site.

"More detailed considerations such as the appearance of the dwellings or landscaping planting plans will be subject to a further planning application known as 'Reserved Matters'.

“We will consider all comments submitted as part of this public consultation, which will influence our proposals.

"A summary of the feedback received through this consultation will be provided in a Statement of Community Involvement, which will form part of our planning application to Test Valley Borough Council.

“The local planning authority will then consider the submitted evidence and plans and determine the application.

“The proposed development will provide a mix of sizes and types of housing, catering for all members of the community.

“Alongside a range of open market housing for purchase, the development will also provide affordable homes which will allow those such as first-time buyers or on a lower income greater scope to own or rent their own home.

"The exact mix of house sizes and tenures will be agreed in negotiation with your local authority housing team.”

For more information about the plans, visit