A teenager has spoken of the shocking moment he felt his jaw hanging off after an unprovoked attack outside a nightclub.

Police are still hunting for the man responsible for the brutal attack on Luke O'Sullivan outside Trilogy nightclub at around 4.30am on Sunday morning.

The Eastleigh College student needed four hours of surgery to put in metal plates and screws which will hold his jaw together for the rest of his life.

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Recalling the incident, which saw the 17-year-old punched from behind, he said: “I realised that my jaw was hanging off and I couldn’t speak.

“Blood flooded from my face for hours.

“I can’t remember much from the incident apart from being pummelled on the left side of my face."

The Marchwood teen was with his friends when he was approached by three unknown men, one of whom attacked him.

Shocked, he ran towards Premier Inn leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

Daily Echo: Luke in hospital Luke in hospital (Image: Wayne O'Sullivan)Luke’s father Wayne O'Sullivan took him to A&E on the night of the attack.

The 45-year-old said: “Two men who saw Luke outside Premier Inn called us from his phone and I floored it there.

“Blood was gushing from his mouth.

“I took Luke to A&E straight away and the x-ray showed his jaw was completely broken on both sides."

The incident has left Luke ‘scarred’ – physically and mentally, he said: “I am going to be staying at home now apart from when I go to college or work.”

Wayne added: “The extent of his injuries is really bad.

"He doesn’t want to go out at that time again for a long time, and I don’t want to let him out.

“It’s lucky he wasn’t stabbed."

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Wayne also warned other parents to be vigilant.

He said: "This can happen to your child, don’t let your child go to the city centre as it is not safe anymore.

"His face was completely smashed; it was a very brutal attack.”

Daily Echo:

Mr O'Sullivan also fears for the effect this will have on Luke's work and social life.

He said: "Luke works at McDonald's in the evenings and at weekends, but now he can't.

"It's a loss of money but really his whole life has been affected. it is traumatising."

Luke is now adjusting to life following the major operation at Southampton General Hospital.

He said: “The swelling on the right side of my face is going down but it feels like I have golf balls rammed in my mouth on my left side.

“I can’t feel anything on my chin, there is no feeling there. And I have lost over a stone in four days as I can’t eat anything.”

Daily Echo: The incident was reported to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary who confirmed it is being investigated.

A spokesperson said: “Officers are making enquiries and reviewing CCTV as part of our ongoing investigations.

“Anyone who was in the area and may have information about the case can call us on 101, quoting 44230472913.”