Kitchen knives, swords and a flail are just some of the weapons that have been surrendered to police in the New Forest

As part of Operation Sceptre, a number of bins were placed outside for people to deposit their knives and weapons anonymously. 

Now photos shared by police on social media has shown the haul of weapons that have been surrendered as part of the operation.

They include kitchen knives, cleavers, swords and even a flail. 

Daily Echo: Knives have been surrendered to police in the New Forest as part of Operation SceptreKnives have been surrendered to police in the New Forest as part of Operation Sceptre (Image: Ringwood Police)

A spokesperson for the force said: "A big 'Thank You' to those of you across the New Forest who deposited knives and other offensive weapons in our bins. That's more dangerous articles out of people's homes and off the streets.

"Please always remember the following;

  • 99% of young people don’t carry a knife, carrying a knife puts you in danger, it doesn’t protect you
  • Carrying a knife for protection is illegal and if you’re found to be in possession of one, you could be arrested and prosecuted, as was the case here.
  • Not all young people who carry weapons intend to use them. But if a young person carries a weapon and gets into an argument, the situation is more likely to get out of control and a knife is more likely to be used by someone involved.

"If you have concerns about someone you think might be carrying a knife or offensive weapon in public, please let us know."

Knives and other weapons can be surrendered at various locations up until Monday December 18.

Anyone with concerns about someone carrying a knife can report this by calling 101, or reporting online via the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary website.

You can also call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

If you spot someone on the streets with a knife or other offensive weapon you should call 999 immediately.