University Hospital Southampton has reviewed the way drugs are stored after a former doctor abused his position to steal anaesthetics.

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust says it has tightened security around propofol - a sedative that can be abused for recreational purposes.

It comes after anaesthetist Paul Winwright, 40, stole the drug on multiple occasions and injected himself, including in front of his 10-year-old autistic son

After resigning in April last year, Winwright broke into the hospital five months later to steal more doses.

READ MORE: Southampton General Hospital doctor stole and abused anaesthetics

Speaking after Winwright was jailed, a spokesperson for the trust said: “Police and the General Medical Council were notified as soon we became aware that a former member of staff had trespassed and stolen a quantity of propofol, routinely used to anaesthetise patients undergoing surgery.

“Following this incident, the Trust has reviewed and tightened its protocols around the storage of, and access to, this drug.

“The Trust will always take necessary action to protect patients and NHS property and refer cases to the police and professional regulatory bodies when appropriate.”

Winwright, who had been living in Shirley, pleaded guilty to burglary and theft by an employee.

He denied engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour and child neglect in relation to his wife and child but was found guilty by a jury.

Appearing at Southampton Crown Court last week he was jailed for 30 months and given a five-year restraining order banning him from contacting his wife. 

Police Staff Investigator Jade Elkins, who led the investigation, said Winwright "showed a complete disregard for those around him and those entrusted to his care".

Daily Echo: University Hospital SouthamptonUniversity Hospital Southampton

She said the thefts had an "unnecessary and significant impact on our valued National Health Service".

"I am pleased that he will now face the consequences of his actions while receiving the support he needs.

“There was a very real risk that Winwright’s behaviour would have seriously harmed either himself or those around him, on top of the harm and impact already caused, if it continued.

“I would like to express my sincere thanks to the victims of Winwright’s neglect and coercive and controlling behaviour for telling us what had happened to them and for their support throughout the investigation and court process.

"Without their courage we would not have secured this outcome.

“I want other people out there are suffering abuse in silence to please report this to police.

"We are here for you and will listen, but if you don’t want to speak to a police officer there are independent support services out there that can give you the help you need.

“I would also like to thank the investigation team who have worked hard to secure this outcome and bring Winwright before the courts.”